Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Before I share today's card, I have a question for you.  Did you receive your Holiday Catalog in the mail yet?  My regular customers began getting theirs today! 

If you don't have a demonstrator and would like to have one (a demonstrator and a catalog), please email me with your information and I will be happy to send one to you!

I'll soon be sharing it on my blog, so you will be able to see it online as well.  Email me:

Now, on today's card:  Happy Birthday to My Brudder!

It's time to dig out this great photopoly set for a birthday card for my brother.  This sentiment is so perfect for him because he's SOOO much older than me.  So much so, that I felt like an only child most of the time!  LOL 

He's eleven years older, so I can certainly rib him about this - don't you think? 

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a happy hump day!
~ Donna 

1 comment:

  1. Haha...cute card for your MUCH older brother.

    I haven't received my catalog yet but since I'm so far away, I have my fingers crossed for today :)


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