Sunday, August 10, 2014


You are going to LOVE this card!  I did the moment I saw it on Tami White's blog and knew I had to make it and share it.  I'm using a different stamp sets, but I think this works so perfectly for a little boy's birthday card, don't  you?

Begin with a sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" Real Red Card stock.  Cut in half, at 5 1/2" and then score one half at 4 1/4" and cut the other half at 4 1/4".

Remove one of the quarter's for another project, Christmas is coming and Real Red will be a much needed color!

Using your Stampin' Trimmer, place the 5 1/2" side of your quarter piece at the 3/4" mark as shown below.  You will cut your frame at 3/4" so you begin at 3/4" and slide it down to 4 3/4", lift the blade and turn the cardstock around so the other 5 1/2" side is on the 3/4" mark and slide your blade back from 4 3/4" to 3/4".

Here is a closer look at the marks on your cutter for easy cutting.

Then turn your cardstock so the 4 1/4" side

Learn from my mistake and place your frame over the Smoky Slate to be sure the stamps you are using fit inside the frame.

This one didn't fit!!

Add dials to your Etch-a-Sketch using the one-inch circle punch.

Adorable, right?!

Thank you for looking in today.  I hope you'll give this a try and check out other stamps that would work great with this, how about Sketched Birthday?  Perfect!

Have a blessed Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. I have wanted to try one of these for quite some time now! Great card and LOVE your tutorial!! :) :) :) Keep up the great work Donna! YOU ROCK!

    1. Thank you Lorri! As soon as I saw this card I just KNEW I had to make it. I simply love how it turned out!!


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