Monday, September 22, 2014

Beauty of the Season

Our neighborhood has started a Neighborhood Committee - NOT an HOA (thank goodness) but more of a Social Committee where we can meet each other and make new friends, discuss improvements, irrigation, block watch, etc.

We also have an irrigation district and we're all responsible when something in the neighborhood breaks.  Thankfully we have a great treasurer who collects the dues from everyone and takes care of hiring people to fix the problems.

So, with all that said, I thought I'd send our dues in a pretty card, with my stamp on the back, of course, maybe a little advertising... and a heartfelt thank you for all they do!

Here's the card I made:

I'm trying a new store link with preview pictures below.  Let me know how you like it please.  Simply click on any of the items below, and it will take you directly to my store.

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

Thank you for looking in today and have a wonderful week!

~ Donna

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