Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10 Cards - No Stamping

Yes, you read that correctly, 10 cards - No Stamping!  This was a great idea I got from Susan Itell last week and I immediately had to order the supplies for this.  My box arrived and I sat down Tuesday night and whipped these up in about three hours.  You can do it faster now that I have a basic plan.

For today, I'm going to share a quick sneak peek (because at the time of writing this, it's 11:30 p.m. and I'm sleepy!)

Tomorrow I will share all the cards individually with the details.

For now, here is a look at all 10 cards.

The basics of these cards comes from this product called Hello December Project Life Card Collection and it is in the Holiday Supplement.  I have to admit, I didn't give the supplement much of a look, mostly because I found way too many things to love in the Holiday Catalog.

All you need to make these cards is a few supplies and honestly, things you already have in your card making supplies.

Come back tomorrow for more details!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Donna this is a great idea!!! LOVE how cute these pieces from Project Life came to LIFE in card form! WAY TO GOOOOO!


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