Friday, October 3, 2014

Stampin Campin Curvy Keepsake

Get ready for Curvy Keepsake Boxes!  I've seen so many of these adorable ideas all over the place, so I wanted to start my collection with my very own creation, but I didn't know where to start.  Now that I've started, I'm excited to make more fun things!

Earlier today I was looking at email and I had one from Pinterest for things I might like and one of them is campers.  I love the little trailers posted there and follow a group called Sisters on the Fly who make over old trailers for traveling.  As I was looking through the shape of some of them hit me right between the eyes and BOOM, I had my idea! 

Is this the cutest thing in the world or what?  If I were truly crazy, I'd open it up and put little furniture inside!  The thought did cross my mind!  Here was my inspiration.:

Here is the front of the trailer with a nice big window for looking out at the woods.  If I attempt to make this again, I'll score the front and back panels as well.
 The windows are Smoky Slate with a screen / or a curtain look for inside made from Vellum.


I made the "license plate" using Simply Serif Mini Alphabet (126360)

Here's the bottom so it will stand up.  I punched two "wheels" with the 3/4" punch (119873) and then two small "hubcaps" using the Owl Punch (118074).  The little peg that keeps the trailer from tipping over was made with a small piece of Smoky Slate about the same size as the wheels would be once attached.  I then punched 2 more circles from the owl punch for each end of the rolled up Smoky Slate.

I have to say, I was just simply GIDDY when I finished it.  It feels so awesome to create something without CASEing from others.  Seeing the trailer for inspiration isn't the same as a CASE.  LOL

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a wonderful Friday! 

Tomorrow I'm heading out with the girls to my upline's Holiday Extravaganza.  I'm so looking forward to crafting with the girls instead of doing the planning!  Wooo Hooo!

~ Donna


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Mary! Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I'm still giddy with excitement creating something unique! LOL

  2. Hi Donna,

    That is so SUPER CUTE!!! :) What a great idea! It would be cute with little paper furniture inside... ;)

    Thank you for sharing (your tutorial above is helpful)!

    Crafty hugs,

    (From WeSTAMP)

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer! I'm still thinking about that little furniture thing! Heaven help me! LOL

      I'm glad you liked the tutorial - I like to make it as easy as possible for others to give our fun "toys" a try!

      Hugs back!

  3. Oh that is soooo cute...the detail to it! Your creativity is amazing!

    1. Thanks Sue!!! I appreciate hearing from you! It was so much fun to make!

  4. I am stunned by the cuteness. Nice work and thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Jael, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I don't think I've ever stunned anyone before! :)

      Have a great day and please come back again!

  5. Cutest thing I have seen made with this die, great job!

    1. Barbara,

      Thank you so much for your comment. You've made my day!


  6. I'm giddy just looking at this! SO cute!

  7. LeAnne,

    Thank you! I still get giddy looking at it too. It feels great to create something on my OWN. LOL


  8. A-DOR-A-BLE!! I will have to make one soon! Maybe a pink version? Lol! Thank you for the inspiration - pinning it!

    1. Hi Elisha,

      PINK would be an awesome idea! I'm so happy this Curvy Keepsake die is carrying into the 2015 catalog! Wooo Hooo! Let me know if you make one. I'd love to see it!


Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog and leave a comment. I always love hearing from you and I promise to comment back, so come back again!