Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hearts and Sentiments

I'm busy making card sets as gifts for Christmas.  So I've been trying to make cards that are easy to make in multiples.  I'm finding just about ANY card is just as easy in multiples as it is in a single, and there's less waste that way too!  I know that sounds silly, but have you ever made just ONE card and then discovered you have leftover card stock? 

Think of it this way - once piece of card stock - cut in half (however you choose to cut it) is worth TWO card bases, so make 2 cards, right?  Or, how about making 4 - you'll probably layer it, so one more piece of card stock makes 4 layers.  Perfect!

Now, double it and I've got my pattern - 8 cards of everything I'm making and card sets come together nicely!

Here is my stack of cards for this pattern. I actually did change up some of the sentiments on this one, but that just gives more variety.

The idea for this card comes from Mary Fish.  I believe she used the notecard size though so hers looks very different as the hearts fill the front of the card with less hearts.  Thank you Mary for the great inspiration!

I'll bet you're thinking, how did she get those hearts lined up easily.  Well, here's the answer:

I lined up my card stock on  my grid paper marking the middle.  In the sample below, I have 8 in the middle, since that's the middle of the grid paper which is 16 inches long.  The first heart goes there and then I marked 3/4" out to the edges for the placement of the other hearts.

Easy Peasy!  Think of all the color combinations you could come up with using the Color Coach?

Thank you for looking in today.  Happy Saturday!  The weekend is still ahead!  Wooo hooo!

~ Donna

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