Thursday, November 20, 2014

Special Door Reveal...

I promised I would reveal what made this card "special"... well folks, here it is! 

I was trying to be clever when I stamped my door panels, but when I went to place the panels on the door, I forgot to place them properly!  I switched the mail slot panel with the one under the door knob.

Had I done it correctly, the woodgrain would all be going the right way!  Oh well, it just is a unique door!  :)

So, since I only had two responses, I've decided to send bling to both.  Mary and Michelle, if you would like me to send you a little bling, email me your address and I'll get it sent out to you!

Email me at

Thanks girls for your comments!  It's always nice to get a little comment from time to time!


~ Donna

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