Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thanksgiving Mail

Here's another cute card we made at Lorri's on Saturday.  My card is extra special, can you guess what makes it special?  Come back tomorrow and I'll share... but, if you figure it out, post a comment!  Want to win some Blog Candy?  Leave a comment and your comment could be selected to win a little bling!  I'll randomly select from all the correct comments using a random number generator.

I love the added "mail slot" this card has.  Simply place your gold foil paper on your Simply Scored Scoring Tool (122334) and score every line along your paper.  Then punch with the Modern Label Punch (119849).  Something so simple really gives a big bang to this adorable card.

Thank you for looking in today.  Remember to check out the Weekly Deals (new ones starting today!)

~ Donna


  1. Well, I don't know what the correct answer is, but it is a very cute card! I like the little envelope on the front!

  2. I love the wreath coloring and the great added detail of the mail slot . Great color choices!

  3. Mary and Michele - thank you for your comments. I've decided you BOTH win bling! If you would like me to mail them to you, please email me with your name and mailing address and I will get them in the mail to you.

    Thank you for commenting! It's always nice to have someone take the time to say something!



Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog and leave a comment. I always love hearing from you and I promise to comment back, so come back again!