Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fresh and Minty Santa

There are a lot of Santa's running around these days and this one is no exception!  Darla Roberts shared hers and the video she got the idea from and I ran with it!  Thanks Darla!!

You'll see several varieties below, I just couldn't decide which I liked best, at first.  I definitely like the ones with the buttons and short beard best.  When I first saw the instructions, I immediately decided Santa needed a beard so that's what he ended up with.

Then I decided his belt buckle needed a little more bling as well and made some out of the Silver Glitter paper.
I even made a box for them to stand up in.  I'm planning to keep them in my car - since it's gum and it won't melt in the car, we're still pretty warm here in Phoenix, although I think we may slip into the 60's for our high's this week instead of the 70's and 80's!

I'll post a tutorial on this tomorrow so you can see how I put it all together.

Thanks for looking in today.  Have a blessed Sunday.

~ Donna

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