Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Occasions Begins Today!

Today is the BIG DAY!  It is the beginning of the Occasions Catalog and Sale-a-bration!

Here is one of my favorite stamps from the Sale-a-bration catalog.  I know you'll love it too! 

I can see from the picture that this DSP doesn't photograph well! 

The base is Pistachio Pudding with DSP from the Gold Soiree pack.  It's much prettier in person!  The Lotus Blossom is stamped with two colors instead of just one, which you can totally do, but I think doing a combination looks so much better.

For this one I used Calypso Coral and Crisp Canteloupe.

Begin with stamp #1 (the small detailed one) and stamp with Calypso Coral at full strength.
Ink up stamp #2 (the larger detailed one) and stamp off once - then stamp over image number 1.
Last, take stamp #3 (the bold image) and use Crisp Canteloupe, stamp off once and then stamp over the previous images.


What is "stamp off" you may ask?  I'm glad you asked.  When you see instructions say "stamp off" that means to ink up your stamp and then stamp it once on scrap paper before stamping on  your image.  Don't stamp off hard, just a light stamping to remove a bit of the ink.

Thank you for looking in.  Happy shopping during Occasions and Sale-a-bration!

~ Donna

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

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