Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dental Valentine's

On Tuesday, I had my dental cleaning and with Valentine's Day this weekend, I thought it would be nice to take them a little treat.  I know, I know, you probably can't figure out why I would take something nice to the Dentist!  Well, I truly LOVE my dental staff.  I've been going to this group since I was pregnant with my oldest child, who by the way, will be 33 next Tuesday!  Yikes!  A couple of the girls in the office I've known for the full 33 years.  That's longevity.  Been through a couple of Dentists during the years though due to retirement and sadly, losing one to cancer last year. 

Anyway, enough about that, on to the treats.  Oh, and I told them at the office "yes, there is chocolate inside, but I know you all have toothbrushes!"  They thought that was funny!  LOL  Besides, even Dental Hygienists and Dentists can't pass up chocolate!

I made some of these a couple of years ago when I first started with Stampin' Up! and thought it would be fun to make them again, especially with our fun Valentine "Stacked with Love" DSP.  It's the perfect size!

Aren't these adorable?  So much fun and fast to make.

Here's how to make them:

Begin with sticky strip along the short edge on the side you want as the outside.

Then turn over your paper over and place two strips on each side of the long sides.  Don't go all the way to the end so you can pull the backing off after you've made a tube.

Remove the backing from the Sticky Strip.  It's very easy to grab if you poke it with your sharp paper snips or piercing tool.

Carefully line up DSP and make it into a tube.

Use your bone folder to make sure you have a strong bond.

Pinch the edge together on one end - keep the short seam close to one of the sides rather than right down the middle.  It will be less obvious if it isn't running down the middle.

Use your bone folder and press the edges together for a tight seal.

Fill the tube with candy, small gifts, a love note or something fun.

Peel the backing off the other end and press the edges together - BUT - pinch it together in the opposite direction as the other end...

... like this:

Sour cream tubes usually have creases on the ends - which also helps keep it with a tight seal.  When I first made these years ago, we sold a Paper Crimper (which I still have and use) but if you don't have one, you can get the same results using our Simply Scored and scoring tool.

If you have a crimper - simply insert the end and crank it 2 - 3 clicks.

Thank you for looking in today.  I hope you try making these great little treats.  Think about how you will decorate them for Easter, Birthdays, Fourth of July - really any holiday!

Happy Hump Day!
~ Donna

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1 comment:

  1. These are so cute!!! What a fun treat for the dentist staff! You are good at getting the word out there! Such a thoughtful RAK, LOVE IT! You are such a blessing to everyone you are in contact with! :)


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