Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pacific Point Painted Blooms

Hopefully you all survived St. Patrick's Day yesterday without too many pinches for not wearing green!  You know, stampers have no excuse for being "greenless".  Before walking out the door, dab a little green ink behind each ear and you're good to go!  Right?

Ok, maybe not, but it was a thought.  ha ha!

So, today's cards have a  little green to them, but mostly Pacific Point.  The DSP that goes with this card will be showcased tomorrow when I share some other cards made with this set and DSP. 

Today just the small version which will go out in the packages from Saturday's workshop.

There are more to be made, but this is as far as I got for tonight (i.e. I create and post the night before you see this, so as I type, this is actually Tuesday night.).

I added a little Pear Pizzazz ribbon, even though the ink used is Wild Wasabi - you'll see, it will be in the DSP tomorrow!

(Just click on any of the items below to go to my store.  If you are reading this in an email, go to my blog to see the store links.)

Thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna

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