Sunday, April 26, 2015

French Fry Box Movie Treat

Saturday was a day full of fun and stamping with an awesome group of gals - brought to us by Lorri Heiling - our fabulous Team Leader for weSTAMP!  

Then out with the hubs and friends to this year's Feeney Winthrop Benefit Concert.  If you're in the Phoenix area, I highly recommend you attend one of these benefits.  They are awesome and you won't be disappointed!  Proceeds benefit St. Joseph the Worker.

Ok, on to the first of our projects we made.

Oh my goodness, is this the cutest thing ever!  I think Lorri has a thing for Popcorn Box things.  Check this link to one from a couple of years ago.

Thank you Lorri for a fabulous day of fun!

Tomorrow I'll share the details on how to make this adorable box.  As I write this (Saturday night about midnight), I'm fighting to keep my eyes open, so I promise to have the information tomorrow.

Thank you for coming by today ~ Happy Sunday!

~ Donna

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