Friday, May 8, 2015

Crazy, Busy, Fun Day!

Thursday was a crazy busy, wonderful and FUN day!  First, up early to register and secure my reservation for my very first Stampin' Up! Convention!  After five years since I first joined Stampin' Up!, I am finally able to make the trek to Salt Lake City, Utah with the others!  Wooo Hooo!
Next it was time to deliver stamps from last Saturday's workshop to the girls at the office (I took the day off to be sure I did everything right during sign up!).  Then off to lunch with the hub's, a little grocery shopping and home just in time for Mr. Brown (the UPS guy - for those of you who don't know who that is) to pull up to our driveway and deliver:


Plus my pre-order and my very own free catalog 
(I don't look the least happy, do I - lol)


If you are an active customer with me, you will automatically get a free catalog from me. If you are nearby, I'll be delivering or you can come to me. If you are out of town, I will mail it and it will arrive shortly (your names have been set up for auto mailing of a catalog).

If you are not an active customer with me and would like to receive a free catalog, just place an order of $50 or more by May 25th (my birthday!) to get in on the free.

If you don't have a Stampin' Up! demonstrator and would like to purchase a catalog for $6.00, contact me at and I will see you receive one.  The cost covers postage, the Catalog is my gift to you!

If you do have a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, you should contact them directly, I would never want to take a customer away from a current active demonstrator.

and now... because I can't wait to share my first card made with the little bit of pre-order I have (I definitely need MORE), here it is:

The DSP is Cherry On Top - you're going to LOVE IT!  The Washi Tape on the envelope flap is also called Cherry On Top.

Full details when ordering can begin.  Until then, be sure to get in your orders for anything that is retiring - don't let it get away from you!

~ Donna


  1. Love seeing your pretty face! Miss you my dear friend and Stampin' Up enabler :)

  2. Love the pretty card too!

  3. Awwww... I miss you too! I will always be your Stampin' Up! enabler, you just received the catalog, so I'm sure your wish list is growing! ;)


Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog and leave a comment. I always love hearing from you and I promise to comment back, so come back again!