Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Starburst Zoo Babies

Have you ever waited too long to order something you love?  I did... it was the Starburst thinlits.  It hasn't been very long since I purchased these and now they are retiring!  Makes me sad!

SO, don't be like me and wait too long.  The new catalog starts a week from tomorrow so don't let any more time slip away before your favorite items are gone!

Today's card is bright and simple using Zoo Babies stamp set - which thankfully is NOT retiring!  It is such a cute set!

Can you tell the difference in the elephant on these two cards?  The top card shows me that I needed to re-ink my ink pad.  I've actually found several this weekend that needed juicing up.

You might want to look at yours and see who needs a little extra ink to make your stamping beautiful!  

Well, it's back to work tomorrow, so this girl is headed to bed and setting this post for midnight!

I hope you had a great weekend.

Thank you for looking in today - be sure to check out the Weekly Specials!

~ Donna

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