Sunday, June 21, 2015

Too Hot For Ice Cream? Never!

Saturday's workshop at Kristi's house was so much fun and as usual, my stampers love putting their own twist on their cards.  

My Version - simple:

Their Version - change the words (so easy to do with alpha stamps!): 

And a little more topsy-turvy.  After all, if you drop your ice cream cones, they aren't going to land all the same, right?  :)

The girls from left to right around the table:  Linda, Mary F., Brittney, Tina, Kristi (today's hostess), Mary P. and Berta.  Thank you ladies for coming to stamp!  

Here is our 2nd card.  This one was made by Berta.  I wish you could see it better, but her butterfly wings are bent up a bit, then down, then up with a little flair.  Very pretty!

Then, we have Linda.  She doesn't like Pink  Pirouette.... it's okay, we'll keep her, I just have to remember to have an alternate color for her!  (She calls it Pitiful Pink - but don't tell anyone!)

She chose to do hers with Mint Macaron and I wish I'd managed to get a picture of the final completed card, but it did look pretty good in Mint!

I thought Linda's dots under her butterfly looked a bit like a Cheetah, what do you think?

Thank you for looking in today.  May you have a Blessed Sunday.  If you are lucky enough to have your Father still with you, enjoy him and cherish him.  I'd give anything to talk to mine today!

~ Donna

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