Saturday, August 29, 2015

Display Board Pins

Have you ever struggled with just how to put a display board together so that the cards you place on it stay put?  I sure have!

BUT, I think I've found a way to make this work.  It is a little bulky so the board doesn't close tight, but I think with a little bit of care, this will work.  I'll let you know after I take it to our Team Meeting later today!

To make these little gems look beautiful, simply pick your favorite Designer Series Paper and cut them to fit the mini clothespins you're using.  Attach the strip with our Tombo Liquid Glue and then apply a good amount of glue to the back of the clothespin and place it on  your display board.  These babies are stuck on there tight!  I thought about using hot glue at first, but this worked great and no burned fingers from hot glue!  Yay!

When deciding where to put your pins, clip a card to it and see how it will fit first.  Then leaving the card attached, place the pin below it with enough room to remove and place a new card.  

Notice in the above picture how I made sure to put the clothespins on the main board in the center so that they won't be aligned with the clothespins on the outside flaps.  This will allow it to close a little bit better and the pins won't damage each other.

I chose to use Cherry on Top for my Designer Series Papers (DSP).  Love the bright colors and when the seasons change, like for Christmas, I can simply glue another strip over this one.

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a Stampy Saturday!

~ Donna

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