Saturday, September 5, 2015

Wedding Prep Busy!

My apologies for not being a very consistent blogger this week.  A co-worker of mine, who I consider to be the closest thing to a daughter I can have, is getting married October 3rd and we've been busy with prepping for her big day.  

Would you like to see what I've been doing after work every day this week?  Cutting, trying to design, cutting again and coming up with a plan for making flowers for centerpieces on twelve tables.  Saturday (today) we will gather at the Bride's house with some friends to assemble these flat pieces of cardstock into what I'm hoping will be beautiful flowers.  It should be interesting, since none of the girls are paper crafters except Brittney and me!  Time to teach and encourage some future crafters!

I also made Brittney's bouquet, but I don't want to share that online before her big day, so you'll have to wait for the wedding - or after the wedding - to see it.  I think it came out really nice, especially being my first attempt!  Yikes!

A few weeks ago we also made the wedding invitations and the RSVP cards.  These came out so pretty and I'm so happy we made them.  We're trying to do everything possible to make this a very affordable wedding and so far so good!  It helps when friends and family help. 

Thank you for looking in today.  If you have plans for traveling this long Labor Day Weekend, please be safe and enjoy the holiday!

~ Donna


  1. How lucky Brittney is to have a "crafty momma" to help her! She is one lucky girl to have your help :)

  2. Awwww, Thank You Mary! It was a long fun day today and the flowers came out beautiful. I'm getting ready to post pictures to be on the blog after midnight!

    Thank you again and thank you for stopping in!


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