Thursday, March 10, 2016

Today's The Day! Don't Miss Out!

Celebrate three years and counting with My Paper Pumpkin.  Can you believe it's been three years since this great little crafting box started shipping to customers around the world?

It certainly doesn't feel like three years... time is going by too quickly!

In celebration for the 3 year anniversary, Paper Pumpkin is sending out a Special Anniversary Kit, but you have to order TODAY - MARCH 10th so you don't miss it!

Make it an even better deal and order a 3-month subscription for $55.00 and earn a FREE Sale-a-bration item.

Here are just a few samples of past kits.  Why not give it a try while you can earn a free gift of your choice from the Sale-a-bration brochure?

Thank you for looking in today.  Happy Thursday! ~ Donna


  1. It doesn't seem like 3 years though there were a few months I missed at first. But, my supply of the brightly colored boxes really mount up to a pile! I have used a few to mail things. My husband said if he saw one more orange/red box he was going to fly the coop - thank goodness this month is a blue box!

    Chris R. from Iiowa

    1. Those orange boxes do add up, don't they! They are great for mailing though or for organizing other items.

      LOL on flying the coop... remember, we did have one pretty pink one in the batch too. Maybe they knew we needed some variety.


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