Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fun With Friends

Saturday was a fun day with stamping friends at Kathy's workshop.  We even had a new (to us) stamper, Nicole.  

Kathy and Nicole

Here are three of Nicole's cards.  I love how she changed up the tag on the birthday card so it was turned portrait style instead of landscape.  Also, since I had some extra kits made up, the girls were able to make two cards so she made her second teacup card into a tea-riffic card!

Below are Patti, Sue and Linda working on their cards.

My display board with some of my favorite and recent creations.

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a Blessed Sunday!  ~ Donna


  1. Thanks for sharing your group of people, I love to see the look of concentration on their faces. Nicole did some fun things with her cards too to change them up a bit. I always think that is fun to see. I really like your idea of the board with your cards on it. What a great idea for inspiration! Looks like a great place to have your workshop with lots of space and light! I wish I lived closer!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. This was at Kathy's House. It is so beautiful and bright inside. I just love it! She has a fabulous home filled!

  2. Enjoy your blog a lot and also your display board. How did you attach the clothes pins to the board?

    1. Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment and question. I attached the clothes pins with a Hot Glue Gun. I wanted to be sure they stayed in place.

      If you are planning to make a display board with clothes pins, be sure to place them so they don't run into each other when you fold it up.

      Please come back again soon. I love to hear from you!


Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog and leave a comment. I always love hearing from you and I promise to comment back, so come back again!