Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sprinkles of Life - RMHC

I thought I'd share something with you from a post about a year ago.  This set Sprinkles of Life, is currently the Ronald McDonald House Charities set that you can find on the back cover of the current Annual Catalog.  $3.00 from each purchase of this set goes directly to Ronald McDonald House Charities.

When I first posted about it, I mentioned that I thought it was the best RMHC set I'd seen.  Well guess what?  I was apparently right because this set is going to carry over to the 2016-2017 Annual Catalog.  HOWEVER, it is carrying over as a regular set, no donation (there will be a new one for RMHC).  So, I thought I'd bring back this card to share so you might order it now while it can still earn a donation.

To see the original post - go HERE.

Won't you take a moment and order this for Ronald's kids?

Product List


  1. Fun card. I don't think I bought that set after all. I guess with the cut back on hours I just cut back on stamps period.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. It really is a cute set and a little bit of money goes to a good cause. I understand cutting back though when income changes. It sure makes a difference.


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