Saturday, April 30, 2016

This is a First

Ok, so this part isn't a first... but what comes below the wreath definitely is.  

I'll have to admit, I didn't much care for this when I first saw it, but putting it together was really quite fun, fast and easy.  I assembled it while watching The Amazing Race.  Do you watch that?  Who are you rooting for?  I know the team I'm pulling for, but I won't tell (just yet).

Below you will see the wreath and a card I made from the leftovers.  I'd seen this on Stampin' Up! and from others who have shared this idea.  I have to admit, being from Arizona and the desert, this really appealed to me.  These little petals make the perfect Prickly Pear Cactus.

Now, for the FIRST.  Since I joined Stampin' Up! in 2010, I haven't used anything but SU products.  But this fabulous cactus called for an old stamp I bought in the beginning of my cardmaking days.  I just couldn't resist putting it with my Arizona Sunset and Cactus.

Somewhere, I also have the word "Arizona" and it should have been with my "Greetings from" but it wasn't there!  When I find it, I'll add it to the front of this.  

To make the background I simply took my Aqua Brush and ink smooshed onto the lid of the Calypso Coral ink pad.  Then just swished the ink onto the card to look like one of our Arizona sunsets.  We have such beautiful sunsets here.  Irresistible!

Thank you for looking in today.  It's going to be a busy day, but I'm looking forward to it.  With any luck we'll have some sprinkles from the sky.  We only have one more day for April Showers or we'll have no May Flowers!

Happy Saturday!       ~ Donna


  1. I haven't made the wreath yet. I saw one someplace that had the bow at the bottom that was smaller and just a little different and I liked it better. Now to find it again. Anyway, your card is the best! I love the cactus and that sunset is pretty darn cool! Perfect color. That stamp is so fun on there. Trade you - we have showers or at least drizzle and chilly windy weather to boot. The weather is doing a number on the tulips and the festival doesn't start until Thursday. So, are you going to get the refill kit to make more cactus cards? That could be your trademark for swaps at conventions etc. Love your card. Have a great rest of the weekend!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thanks!

      I'd love to trade weather! We need rain so bad. We kept hearing how awful and wet the season was supposed to be, but it just never happened. At least it's cloudy and looks like rain today, that's a first!

      I doubt I'll get the refill kit, I have several strips left over to make more. It would be a good idea though! :)


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