Sunday, May 29, 2016

I Am Grateful

With Memorial Day this weekend, I wanted to make something special for the day.  This is my version of a card I saw by Kim Jolley.  There are several other versions on facebook and various blogs.

I really love the way this makes the "flag" wave.  I may work on other renditions this weekend.  But I'm pretty happy with this one.

The stars are punched using the Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack (retiring), but they were the perfect size and are still current... at least until May 31st.

It looks even prettier from the side, don't you think?

I am so grateful for the Men and Women who have served our great country, including my Father who served in World War II.

God bless all of our Military and their Families who worry about them each day and especially this weekend, for all of those families and friends who are missing their loved ones.

Thank you for looking in today.  Donna

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  1. This is so neat. I think I get Kim's blog or maybe I visit it via hops. I will check hers out too. I love the use of the swirls in this. So cool. I made one with the swoosh from that one set last year and it was o.k. but this is way cooler! Love the stars and the little bling of the rhinestones. That grateful is perfect on there!

    Tomorrow is a bittersweet day, Teddy turns 2 and it is the anniversary of my mom's death.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris. Kim has some great stuff. I found her on a facebook group. I've made one using Work of Art last year or year before.

      Happy Birthday to Teddy! I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. That is never easy. Mine has been gone 24 years and it still seems like yesterday some days. Blessings to you!


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