Thursday, May 12, 2016

New In Colors - Sneak Peek

Every year I make bookmarks showing off the newest In Colors.  I just love the new colors!  I'm looking forward to my customers seeing them in person when I can hand them out.  

Have you seen these beautiful colors yet?  Click on the picture to open them in a new and bigger window.  I think you will like them!  Tell me your favorite?

Thank you for looking in today - It's Thursday, one day closer to another weekend!  ~ Donna


  1. Cute bookmarks. A great introduction to the new colors which I think I am going to like. Oh look, you used the curvy punch on the bottom of them too. Fun! We can always use bookmarks to mark our place in the new catalog! Great idea.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Thanks Chris! I've actually changed them a bit already. I decided I liked them punched at both ends, even though that punch is going away, it is just too pretty not to use!

    I agree, everyone needs one for their new catalogs!

  3. That is a such a cool punch, I still can't believe they retired it already. At first I was not impressed but then seeing all the great ideas - I had to have one.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  4. I use this punch ALL THE TIME! I'm so disappointed that it is retiring. Not crazy about it's replacement, but I guess it will have to do. It's basically the same, except instead of being round on the ends, it has a point. Oh well... :)


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