Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sitting Here with a Sneak Peek

You are going to LOVE this new set coming out in the next catalog beginning June 1st.  This is called "Sitting Here" and it has some great stamps in it.  I started to post the set in the product list below, but I don't think I'm allowed to just yet.  Soon, though, very soon.

If you are one of my customers that receives my catalogs by mail, they should be arriving in a week or two, so watch your mail box for them.  If you would like a catalog, and aren't already working with a demonstrator, email me and I'll be happy to send a catalog to you.

I stamped this fabulous swing with Crumb Cake and then using my Aqua Brush I painted from ink in the lid of the stamp pad.  The ink does run a bit, but it seemed to be a good look.  For the cushion and the pillows though, I stamped them onto Whisper White with Memento Black, then colored with ink from the lids and fussy cut them out.  

The seat cushion is glued down flat, the pillows I "puffed up" like I did the balloons in a previous post - to see that post with instructions, click HERE.  Then I attached them with Stampin' Dimensionals.

I added Linen Thread by poking a hole through and threading the Linen Thread through and taped it down on the back to keep from there being a knot.

How many on this have this on their wish list?  Raise your hands, you know you want it!

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna

Product List


  1. Oh what fun this is with the puffed up pillow and linen thread for roping to hold up with swing. I love porch swings! Our present house had one when we moved in but it had pulled the "ceiling" part almost down from the porch roof. We had to remove it just in case someone sat down and it came down on them. Ours was flaking white paint so yours looks more inviting done in the more natural colors. Then, those awesome pillows look so inviting to well, come and sit awhile! Love the card and love the idea!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I'm really enjoying puffing up the pillows and balloons. I love the way they look!

      It would be so nice to have a porch swing. Now that we're in triple digits though, it would just be too hot to be out and enjoy them. :(

      Thank you, as always for commenting! I always look forward to hearing from you.

  2. I just received a catalog in the mail and saw that the set has a cat and a dog among other things. How fun! Right now we don't have any chairs or anything so Ted and I sit on the top step to the porch. He loves surveying his kingdom and watching for any students he "knows" who might pet him as they go by. The college just had graduation so there are no a lot of the students around. I wonder what he thinks about that? I hope to get a rocker or glider type of chair at least as I like my porch and want to use it. The Dutch didn't generally have porches so I think we need to use it.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  3. That's good to know you got your catalog. Maybe my customers will start getting theirs too. I have a group of gals in Southern AZ that I shipped some to. I hope they get them soon.

    I bet Ted loves his pets! We saw a young Bassett this weekend near the Pet Smart and I just had to pet him - he loved it, of course!


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