Sunday, June 5, 2016

Detailed Floral Thinlits - Beautiful!

Yesterday was my hubby's birthday and to be very honest, I didn't have a chance to make anything to share today.  

However, I do have something beautiful to show you.  When I saw this video I fell in love with this die and the bundle it comes with.

Take a couple of minutes and watch this.  I bet you will fall in love with it too!

Isn't this just so intricate and stunning?  I wish I'd seen the video before I placed my first big order out of the new catalog.  It will be at the top of my next list, that is for sure!

Thank you for looking in today.  Let me know what you think of this!

Have a Blessed Sunday!


  1. Happy birthday to your hubby! I like the floral thinlits but not sure if I would buy them. I am one who waits and justifies and then they are retiring! Maybe they are just a bit too intricate for me too. I don't know. I am just sort of in a blue funk of a mood. But, thanks for featuring the video - it was fun to see how they work. I had not seen the video before or really any of the new videos for products from SU. Hope you are a bit cooler today!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Blue funk days stink! I know just how they are. I'll have all these big plans to craft on the weekend and end up just being a lump in my chair. I find if I make myself get up and just pick out something simple, I can throw off the funk and end up creating something fun.

      I hope you can do the same!

      Thank you for looking in today!


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