Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Layering the Love

Don't you just love the way basic black cardstock makes a busy looking Designer Paper Series paper pop?

Blushing Bride Base - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Very Vanilla - 5 1/4" x 4"
Basic Black Mat - 5 1/8" x 2 1/8"
DSP - 5" x 2"
Blushing Bride Mat - 3" x 2 3/8"
Very Vanilla - sentiment - 2 3/4" x 2 1/8"

I really like how it works with this particular swirly pattern.

Thank you for looking in today!  ~ Donna

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  1. Sorry, I am worry backwards on my E-mails - been a weird week. I like the black pop as it sort of ties it all together or grounds the colors. I like the new colors but something about the DP I am just not sure about. I received my shares today so I could see it up close and personal. Well, I will use it for cards to send I guess or use the other side for some of the sheets. I am glad I don't have a whole pad to work with. Maybe it will grow on me. Your cards are fun though with a riot of color. I do like the swirly paper design but just not the colors they made it in. Whatever, there has to be a lot of people that do like it. We broke the record this week at 96 degrees with high humidity. Yuck!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. This DSP is growing on me. I even bought another stack to use at our Team Meeting on the 28th. My upline asked me to do the Make and Take so I'm making that cute little bag you shared from Debbie Henderson. Only problem is, I may be short on ribbon and its on backorder - ARGH!

    We broke heat records here, one after another. We're supposed to hit as high as 120 on Sunday. OMG, I'm not ready and to top it off we're working all weekend at the office. I guess that's good though, overtime and being in someone else's a/c!

  3. 120? OMG! It is hot but not so humid today. Ted wanted to go up town for our walk this morning. Lots of people up on the square to pet him. I didn't think he would want to walk very far so I didn't take any water/ice for him. But, he made it to the Bike Shop where the owner puts out a big bucket of water for dogs. Ted has definitely drank his fair share this year! Then, he likes to lay in the shade of the trees on the brick sidewalk part. He positions himself in the middle of the sidewalk so people have to either stop and pet him or walk around him! What a dog!

    Any ribbon would work or even the thick twine. I love the little bags and the tag or card you can make with the two corners. I love the idea of not having any little pieces left. They go together pretty darn fast too. Maybe borrow some ribbon from her?


  4. I'm hoping to cut my ribbon tonight to know how much, if any, we'll need of something else and then put a message out to the team if they have any they can bring to make at least their own bag, would be great.

    LOL on Ted. He knows just how to get the loving he feels he needs. You'll have to email me a picture of him sometime!


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