Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today Is THE Day!

It's finally here!!!    Get out  your wish list and start making a list.  My list is pretty long!

The new Annual Catalog is LIVE today and you can begin ordering!  I'm so excited for you to see the new things Stampin' Up! has inside!

If you would like to have a new catalog in your hands and you don't already have a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, please email me at and I will get one in the mail to you right away.  

See the catalog now by clicking the cover below - or you can click on the link in the right hand margin.  I'd love to have you as my customer!

With so many things to choose from, think about joining my team and you can choose $125 worth of products and only pay $99.00 PLUS during the month of June, you can select TWO FREE Stamp Sets (of any value) which could be an additional $80 or so depending on what you select.  Think about it, where else can you get so much, for so little?

The best part, you can be whatever you want to be.  Hobbyists are always welcome on my team, or if you want to earn a few dollars to support your stamping habit, er... I mean, hobby... then you can do so as a Demonstrator.  Either way is FUN for you with great discounts!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for looking in today!

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