Friday, June 3, 2016

Wetlands Wanderers

A quick and easy masculine card.  Chocolate Chip and Very Vanilla goes so well together.

When I first started out with this idea, it was a good one, until I went to stand the card up!  Oops!  Ha Ha Ha! 

The base is Chocolate Chip - 5 1/2" x 4 1/4", the "card" is Very Vanilla 8" x 5 1/4" scored and folded at 8" and then is attached to the base.

The front panel is Chocolate Chip 4" x 1 3/4" and the Very Vanilla is 3 7/8".  I stamped the sentiments and images with Chocolate Chip as well.

Thank you for looking in today!  Thank Goodness It's Friday!


  1. You had me at the words chocolate chip! Speaking of Very Vanilla - I just bought some vanilla bean ice cream to go with strawberry shortcake though. Anyway, that is so cool how you made the card. Occasionally I have a top heavy card so it does not stand up either. Oh well, this is still a great card sitting up or lying down! I love those little birds - sand pipers? I love the richness of the chocolate chip and certainly could go with a chocolate chip cookie right now. I brought groceries in except for one bag inside the car. Ted was clamoring to go out and I grabbed the car keys and him and went out. I swear I did not lock the door but it sure locked behind us. Of course nobody in the houses around me were home not that they could really help. So, Ted and I hoofed it to the police station which is just a couple blocks away. It was hot and he wanted to lay down in the shade but I made him walk - I bet we looked like quite the pair. I am sure my face was as red as my shirt was! Of course he had to go pottie on the way at the library. So, when we got to the police station I asked if they could try and unlock the door and could I have a plastic bag of some kind or some paper towels! Two of our doors have dead bolts but the police man was finally able to get the other door unlocked using his credit card. I don't care what Mike says - I am hiding a key someplace in the yard! I wouldn't have minded as much except my purse was inside as well as my cell phone AND my insulin which I was starting to feel a little woozy from the heat and past time. Anyway, great card. Have a good weekend.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. OH my goodness, you've had quite a day! Do you not keep a house key on your car key ring?

      It's good to know the Police can get into your house with a credit card... I think? It is always good to have a spare key somewhere. Too dangerous to get locked out, especially away from your insulin!

      Well, we just hit record temperatures here. 113 degrees officially breaking the record of 112 degrees in 2006. Thank God I work inside!

  2. My car keys are separate. Mike has a big key ring with all the keys on it. We use mine when we have the car serviced as they are separate. I guess I will hide a key someplace just in case. Mike was so mad at me when I told him. But, it seems to be o.k. when he misplaces his wallet, phone, etc. Just one of those things.

    Ugh, 113 degrees! We are to get up to 90 next week but hopefully there is a breeze and low humidity. That humidity gets to me! Have a good weekend.


    1. Probably a good idea to have a spare key for sure. Men never understand they make mistakes too... go figure. ha ha.


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