Monday, August 29, 2016

Deck the Halls

Another cute card with these adorable mice!

Cardstock - Real Red, Whisper White, Watercolor 
Designer Series Paper - Candy Cane Lane
Ink - Real Red, Cucumber Crush, Smoky Slate, Black StazOn

Thank you for looking in today!  Happy Monday - Donna


  1. Cute! I wouldn't mind having help decking the halls but I am not sure if it would be mice. Everything would be down low, well, no I guess they could climb. Whatever, this is a bright and fun card. I know it would delight younger recipients but I could just see an older person smiling at the trio with the bright colors. I sometimes if not usually sort of tailor my cards to the recipient.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I often tailor my cards to the recipient. That's why sometimes it is hard for me to come up with a generic card - though I'm getting better at casing and changing them up for those.

      I wasn't happy with this one at first, but then I added the bright green stars and it was much happier. At least to me!

  2. This is such an adorable card, Donna!

  3. This is such an adorable card, Donna!


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