Friday, August 19, 2016

Fast Phrases

I think these two cards had to be the fastest cards i've ever made and I think they came out beautifully.

It took longer to put the Rhinestone Jewels on than anything else!

Night of Navy - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Soft Sky - 5 1/4" x 4 (inside and out)
Night of Navy Ink

Simply decide how much room you need at the bottom for your sentiment.  The two long ones that come with the Floral Phrases stamp set works perfectly.

Add some jewels to give a little bling.

Stamp the inside sentiment and you're DONE!

Well, not quite done... don't forget to stamp the back with one of these great new stamps available until the end of next May.  I love this set!

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a Fabulous Friday and an even better weekend!

~ Donna

Product List


  1. Boy, not sure what is going on. I left you a comment and I didn't get that robot part so it disappeared. I was going to leave a comment on another person's blog and it wouldn't even get me into the comments section. But, it was fine for some others. Who knows.

    Let's see, I remembered that I had mentioned I bought the Floral Phases stamp set and it is sitting at my local demo's house. I decided I didn't need to get the thinlits, at least for now! I loved that you made a thank you card as well as a wedding card out of the same card - it works beautifully for both! I figured my problem would be to use pearls or rhinestones and then applying would take time too. At first I couldn't figure out the soft sky part but then I realized you used it instead of white cardstock. I guess the soft sky ink pad in the product list through me for a loop! Then I read the measurements and no white cardstock was listed. It pays to read the details! So, what stamp did you put on the back of your card? Really beautiful cards!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Oh dear... that should have been soft sky paper in the pics! Argh... Sorry about that.

    I have a stamp - several actually - that I had custom made. It has "Handmade by Donna, with my email address and 2016." I'll try to remember to post some of those sometime. I get them from They have some fun and creative stamps.

  3. On your cards you have sent me you had stamped them and I wondered where you had it made...I will check it out. I always like to look.



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