Monday, August 15, 2016

Pineapple... that's all, just Pineapple

Actually, the subject line isn't totally true since we use other stamps inside.  This was another fun card we made at our Team Regional event.  This was made on our notecard sized cards instead of the standard 1/2 sheet of cardstock.

Stamps:  Pineapple, Pop of Paradise, Designer Tin of Cards
Ink:  Crushed Curry, Emerald Envy

See below for all other supplies.

Thank you for looking in today.  ~ Donna

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  1. I love to eat fresh pineapple so this card is fun. Well, it is fresh just like this card! First of all it is a notecard size and I really like them - not so much backgroun to putz around with. I am always trying to add just a little something else. This card doesn't need anything else. It has the bells and whistles of ribbon and sequins. I am not a sequin using person but I like them on here. I really like the pikey stalk with the vertical black and white panels - such a fun touch with the pineapple nibs or whatever they are called. Fun!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Nothing tastes better than fresh pineapple...but oh is it sweet!! Plus if you eat too much, it burns my tongue. Too much acidity I suppose.

    This is a fun card though. Even if it makes my mouth water!


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