Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sweet and Joyful

Here is another cute gingerbread tag card.  This little guy is so cute, I think he's going to be on a lot of Christmas cards this year.


Real Red - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Crumb Cake - 5 1/4" x 4"
Candy Cane Lane Designer Series Paper - I simply used scrap strips, so any measurement will do.
Whisper White - 2" x 4" - punched with Scallop Tag Topper
Linen Thread

Thank you for looking in today.  Happy Hump Day!  


  1. Yummy and cute! I adore this punch and these papers. Crumb cake is one of my favorites anyway to use as a base. The tag idea is fun and easy to mail especially using just the linen thread to tie it on. You can bet I will be CASEing this for sure! I love it! I wonder if I could put the cards in a bag or tin that also has cinnamon in it (without) touching the card if the scent would transfer and still smell divine to the recipient? Might have to try that once I get all the goodies to make this!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I bet you could put cinnamon sticks in a small plastic bag and leave the zipper open on the bag. That way the fragrance is there but nothing would touch the cards in the tin.

      That's a fabulous idea, or maybe even some ginger and cinnamon.


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