Friday, August 5, 2016

Warning, Warning, Warning...

Ok... so the warning is for this card.  I personally think it is hilarious, but if you are easily offended by bodily functions, you might want to skip today.

Now, I wish that I could say I thought of this myself, but, sadly I didn't, it is a total CASE, down to the colors (heh heh) because I just love the way the Bermuda Bay pops.

While I stall a little longer, to give you a chance to see if you want to see this or not, I'll tell you a little story.  When I saw this - thanks to my regular Blog Commenter (waves HI to Anonymous Chris R. from Iowa) who sent this blog link to me from Dena Rekow I wanted to make this card immediately.  I have the stamp set for the picture, but I didn't have the letters.  I knew one of my co-workers did and I asked her to bring them to work and I finished it off there.

Ok, enough stalling, cover your eyes and peek slowly!

I stamped the inside with an retired set that I keep at the office for last minute needed cards.  So my apologies for the retired inside, but obviously, you can put anything inside.  Preferably something really FUNNY!

I tried the lettering two ways.  One letter at a time, touching each other, and the second way with some spacing.  I think I like overlap best, how about you?

Crumb Cake - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Bermuda Bay - 5 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White - 5" x 3 3/4"

Poo - Soft Suede and Chocolate Chip - I only used 2 of the 3 stamps for this.  I didn't want it to look yummy.  (eeekkk!)

Lettering - Labeler Alphabet

The card with the spaces had another little oops as well.  I ended up with ink on the bottom of the card front, so I had to trim the top and bottom a bit, so ignore that bad spacing.  Or, if you didn't notice, great, keep moving.

Thank you for looking in today!  Happy Friday!  ~ Donna

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  1. Too funny! I am glad you liked the link I sent you and made your own version! That is one problem with SU yummy sounding colors when you make this card! Well done!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris for pointing me to this hysterical card! I just LOVE it! I'm always into making funny cards when we can. We need MORE funny things to make!

      Can't wait to actually make some cupcakes with this set now too.

  2. Your enthusiasm for this set and this card is making me want to buy the cupcake set now. You could use this as a get well card even. Just too funny!


    1. Yes, a Get Well card from having the "bug". Eewwww... :)


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