Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ghost House

This is one of the projects we made last weekend at Linda's workshop.  It was a lot of work, but the girls really enjoyed making it.  I did do a lot of the tedious die cutting ahead of time.  Twelve pieces of shingle for each house (I prepped 12) and four windows for each house.

The gals were on their own for the rest of it.  They all came out great!  Be sure to come back tomorrow to see Brittney's version.  I love the added pieces she used!

This side of the roof I used 8 pieces of shingles, but it turns out 6 works out great.  Just remember to stagger them so they aren't all lined up the same.

Here's the six shingle side.  Also the piece across the top is 1/2" wide and about 2 1/2 inches long (then trim to fit the shingles, which you will trim up straight when assembled).

When you cut out your house (you cut two), you can also place the windows and door at the same time.  This works especially well with the Magnetic Big Shot Plate.

To line up the siding, I used a Post-it note on the seam so the lines wouldn't be crooked on the opposite sides of the house.

Next, add the window frames, door frame and door.

To make the windows bright, I cut a small piece of Daffodil Delight to go behind the windows.  We actually used the retired 1" square punch.  It worked beautifully.

Now, in case you think the house is BIG, I don't want you to be disappointed when you receive it.  I think it is actually very perfect.  But yes, it is shorter than the Tombo Multi-purpose glue bottle.

Remember - come back tomorrow to see another version from one of my stampers!

Thanks for looking in today!


  1. I never knew how big they were, thanks for the virtual reference of the Tombow glue. The house is just so cute. Looks at the shingles and the siding! Great tips and photos. I didn't even think about how much work they would be but this is really cute! Great job!

    Chris R. Iowa

  2. The thing that took the longest to do was the roof shingles. I was able to cut two at a time though, so that helped. It really is worth it though for as cute as they turned out!


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