Tuesday, September 6, 2016

No Body...

No idea why this popped into my head, but it did.  Somewhere in my 3-day weekend brain, I started thinking of a song and you know how songs are, they get stuck in your head and won't go away.

It may have been a commercial on t.v., who knows, but here is what it produced.

On my craft table, I noticed I still had a couple of Cookie Cutter Halloween friends laying around and decided I needed to use them, before they got lost.  

Knowing I didn't have the sentiment I wanted, I grabbed my Labeler Alphabet and made it myself.


Pumpkin Pie 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Halloween Night Designer Series Paper - 4 1/4" x 1 1/2"
Whisper White - 5" x 1 5/8"

I popped Mr. No Body up with Stampin' Dimensionals

Inside - Whisper White 5 1/4" x 4"

Adorable???  Right?  I'm tickled with it!   I hope you are too!

You may ask... why does it look smudged up all over?  Well, that's a very good question.  I could fib and tell you it was planned, but I'm terrible and fibbing, so here's the truth.

I left the ink pad open, the stamp case touched it and when I pulled it back across the table to put my letters back inside.  BOOM - ink on my card.  ARRRGHHHH!  Ok... this is about a Mummy, so, smudge up the rest of the inside to match!  Ta- Da!

Works for me... Hubby liked it too, so Yay!  ha ha ha!

Back to the office today after a three day weekend.  I have to say, I'm ready to go back.  Too much to do around here, I need to go back to a normal work day!  Time to get ready for the General Election now and I imagine my email box will start filling up very quickly with the important questions about registering to vote and ordering a mail ballot.

Thank you for looking in today ~ Happy Tuesday!  ~ Donna

p.s. You'll see the list below of items used.  While I didn't use the Cookie Cutter Christmas Bundle, it is something you will want to get in addition to the Cookie Cutter Halloween.  The Christmas one comes with the punch in a bundle, the Halloween one does not, so you would need to order the punch separately.  You really NEED the punch!  :)

Product List

1 comment:

  1. Nobody knows the woes you have seen with the election or making this card. Actually I thought the smudges were a planned thing and I like the look! The whole card is fun. I have to get a new saying as "Too cute to spook" is getting awfully old. I have seen people add a little bow and a heart making them girls which is cute too. Glad you had some fun over the weekend.

    I am getting calls to help register people and deliver absentee ballots. Eek!

    Chris R. from Iowa


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