Thursday, October 13, 2016

I'm Still Here....

I'm still here... just up to my ears in work email and haven't had any crafting time or for that matter much of anything but sitting at my office answering voter emails.

Those of you who know me know I work for the Maricopa County Election Department and this is our busy time.  Monday, October 10th was the last day to register to vote for the November 8th General Election and Wednesday, October 12th was the first day to receive an early ballot.

On Monday, I came in to the office at 8 a.m. with 200 emails waiting for me, when I left at 10 p.m. with 100 still in there.  You must be thinking, what a slacker!  BUT, I sent out answers to 373 people, so as I answered one, more (felt like thousands) came in.  Tuesday I sent out 310 emails and yesterday 252, working until 10 p.m. each day. 

Needless to say, I will be back, I miss my stamps, papers and inks, but working for the voters of Maricopa County comes first.

So, regardless of who you support, please remember to vote on November 8th - or if your area has voting by mail, call your local jurisdiction and vote from the comfort of home with a cup of your favorite coffee and enjoy your freedom to vote!

Thank you for checking in each day... I promise to be back. 

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  1. Already voted in my jammies with a Diet Coke! I hate standing in line and wished I had learned about this earlier in life! Though I am not a cat person - this is so cute. Is the cat yours? Just think in a month, this will be all over. Hope you can make it that far!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. God Bless you Chris, you even comment when it's not a crafting post! :)

    Not my cat, I googled "up to my ears in email" images and this was in the mix and I thought it was perfect!

    The election may be over in a month, but our work will probably make it all the way to Thanksgiving because so much has to be done after, processing mail ballots that come in on election day and provisional ballots (those that have moved and need updated first) etc. Sometimes we wonder if we will have to spend our Thanksgiving with our work family instead of our real family!

  3. I love that picture!!! I would love if you would post that on our feed store site! kochsfarmservce facebook page!!

    1. Hi Dorcas98 - it actually isn't my picture. I snagged it from google, so feel free to use it. I did! :)

      The kitty reminds me of one we used to have though. LOL


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