Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Dove Mini's Cups

Product List


  1. These are adorable and also edible! Love them :)

    1. Thank you Jennie! They are so fast and easy to make! It is so nice of you to take the time to comment! Thank you for that! Hugs!

  2. Looking forward to trying my hand at these some day. Your photos were a great help. Some how I think I would eat more than I would get in the little cups! The cups are just too cute. I can see them hanging on a little Christmas tree in the kitchen too or a centerpiece for a little cookie swap party or something fun!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. The key to having enough of the candies is to purchase two bags! LOL Seriously after one or two, I was done. Mostly because I didn't want to buy more!

      They would look adorable on a tiny tree! I may do that at the office, maybe. :)


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