Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Merry Mouse #2

Here is another adorable friend from Merry Mice.  I was going to post this yesterday, but after making the cute "ham card"  I couldn't resist posting it first!


Whisper White Thick Cardstock - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Real Red - 5 1/4" x 4"
Warmth and Cheer Designer Series Paper Stack - 5" x 3 3/4"

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  1. Oh so cute. I still have resisted on this set and they melt my heart each time I see them. But as John Wayne said, "I don't talk to vermin!" so I keep thinking of them as vermin. Maybe I will still cave but can't a person have too many holiday sets?

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. On can never have too many holiday sets! Well, unless you're a Demo and you only have room for so many because you buy the newest and latest! LOL

    I just think they are too too cute!


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