Saturday, January 28, 2017

Party Animal Birthday Blast

Time to get some birthday cards back into my stash.  So I decided to start with Birthday Blast and Party Animal Designer Series Paper.

Pacific Point - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Whisper White 5 1/4" x 4"
Party Animal Designer Series Paper 4" x 2"  and 3 1/2" x 3"
Largest Oval and Largest Scalloped Oval from Layering Ovals
Ink - Pacific Point

For this one, I only popped up the oval with Stampin' Dimensionals

But on this one, I decided to pop up the Whisper White layer as well as the ovals.

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a Happy Saturday!

~ Donna

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  1. Oh boy, bright and happy cards! I am not sure which is my favorite. For the one with the popped up white - did you use dimensionals in the corners only or more so it doesn't sag in the middle like I feel mine do sometimes. I have seen some people use a foam layer and that seems to work well. I always worry about it being too thick or heavy to mail for one stamp. But, it sure makes the whole card pop even more. What more to say other than I like them!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I use half of a Stampin' Up dimensionals (I like them to last longer and a half of one works just as well in my opinion.). I put one in each corner (about 1/4 - 1/2" inch in so it isn't visible from the edge), then I put one or two down the long side and one along the middle of the short side. I'll also put some in the middle depending on how wide it is. THAT is why I cut them in half! LOL

      I've never had problems with any of my cards mailing with dimensionals. I know some that you get in the stores can be a lot thicker and might be a problem, but SU's have always been fine.

  2. Good to know and thanks for the tip on cutting them in half and the placement. I hate when I can see them when I get them too close to the edge. I need to pay more attention!



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