Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Sneak Peek

We made this awesome card at our Team Meeting a week ago and I simply had to give it a try so we can make it at a workshop this weekend.

I'm only going to show you part of it right now, because it is late on Tuesday and I need to get to bed, once I change my sheets... seems we had a pet that decided their dinner needed to come up.  On. My. Bed.  Thankfully I have a waterbed (yes, I still have one and I can't sleep without it), but at least I don't have a mattress I can't clean easily.

So, you can see a little peek inside here and a little more below in the next picture.  

A better peek: 

and a little clue...

Tomorrow I'll share the details.  Just remember, this can be made with anything inside and outside.  No need to be Valentine's.  As a matter of fact, I have a really cute idea in my head.  Look out!  ha ha!

Happy Hump Day!

~ Donna

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