Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Bunny Box

Have you ever had a time when you just had to throw in the towel and say, tomorrow, I'll try again tomorrow.  Well, tonight (Monday Night) as I was working on today's post was one of those times.  No matter what I tried, something went wrong.  

So, plan B, share another make and take that we made at our retreat a couple of weekends ago.  This cute little bunny box was made by the other Donna in our group, Donna G.  It is the perfect size for a small little treat of chocolates and crinkly paper.

A piece of window sheet inside the lid makes it a great little see-through box.

Do you see my boo-boo?  There was a little too much ink on the stamp when I got it and since we were all using the same color, I didn't notice it was wet there.  Oh well, makes bunny look like he has a little set of bangs.  LOL

Thank you for looking in today!  

~ Donna


  1. A little set of bangs, I thought it was chocolate as the little bunny couldn't resist all those chocolate eggs and he had to sample them to make sure they were safe and good enough for human consumption! Whatever, it is still darn cute!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Maybe if the chocolate was around his mouth...lol... but on his forehead! Goodness, he's a messy bunny!

    2. Well actually the bunny wasn't eating M&Ms so they melted in his hands and not in his mouth. Then he had one of those "Duh" moments when he ate most of the chocolate candy he was to give away and slapped his forehead thereby getting chocolate on his forehead! And/or he got a chocolate headache like an ice cream one? Can't you just hear him saying, "Great Scott, what have I done?" But the bangs is sort of a cute thought too. Or, maybe he wiped his mouth with the back of his paw and then happened to wipe sweat off his brow from your hot Arizona sun and smeared the chocolate on his forehead - we can't see the back of his paw!


    3. You should be writing a book about bunny! LOL Love your imagination!

  2. love this little box.... and i am with you, today will be a better day....giggle

    1. I sure hope so Marie! I've not been that frustrated since I started stamping. Argh! LOL


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