Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Get Well Sooner

Do you find that checking out Pinterest can be dangerous?  I do!  BUT, I also find some things that just can't be forgotten and must be tried.  This is one of them!

I didn't CASE completely, but the ambulance (made from the Tasty Truck) and the adorable chicken, er, I mean nurse, were the highlight of the card.  The card I saw had a different (retired) get well and some added hearts and balloons.

Since I had already altered the Tasty Truck to make the UPS Truck, it was an easy decision to make this one here.  I have some other ideas too that I want to play with.  If you missed the UPS Truck, click HERE to see it.

Real Red - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Basic Black - 5 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White - 5 1/8" x 3 7/8"

Tasty Trucks (free Sale-a-Bration item)
Hey Chick (free Sale-a-Bration item)
Greatest Greetings

Extra:  Owl Punch for nurse's hat and outfit.

I snipped two small strips for the + on the truck and I hand drew the one on the nurse's hat.  I also stamped the strip of the truck onto Real Red and then hand cut it out and glued it down.

Isn't this just the most fun card?  Who wouldn't love to receive this for a little chuckle to help the healing come sooner.

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a fabulous Tuesday!

~ Donna

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  1. I was going to E-mail you this idea today as I am behind on my blog reading. You did a great job! I am still chuckling. Gee maybe I need to go have some surgery so you can make me one of these! Just kidding, I hope!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. NO no, no surgery! You want a card, I'll make you a card... no medical attention needed! LOL

      There is even a restaurant called "The Heart Attack Grill" complete with Ambulance outside and scantily clad nurses inside. I don't recommend it, simply because that's a lot of fat and bad food, but it is a fun place (or so they say). Maybe I could make them cards to give to their customers who actually survived one of their heart attack inducing meals?!! LOL

  2. NOW that is funny!



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