Thursday, March 2, 2017

Masked Chickens

I hope you didn't think the chickens were wearing masks!  Actually, I used the masking technique to stamp one chick over the other.

Begin by stamping your image on a post-it note, then fussy cutting it out so it will lay over your first image.  Then I began with the chick on your left and after it dried a bit, I put the post-it mask over the top and stamped the chicken in the middle.  Then I covered the chick in the middle and stamped the third chick on the right.

Then, so I could stamp Phyllis in the "back" I stamped a 2nd image onto another post it and cut it out again,  Since I only needed the top I only fussy cut the top and then cut it in half so I could cover the tail of one and the head of the other.  Then stamp Phyllis.

I colored their "hair" with my Real Red Stampin' Write Marker and their feet with Tangerine Tango, also their beaks.

Using the brown watercolor pencil, I scribbled some dirt under their feet and blended it in with my Blender Pen.

Basic Gray - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Sending Love DSP - 5 1/4" x 4" (above) and 5 3/8" x 4 1/8" (below)
Basic Gray - 5" x 3 3/4" (above) and 4 7/8" x 3 5/8" (below)
Whisper White (on both) 4 3/4" x 3 1/2"

Inside I used some of the leftover DSP to decorate it up a bit.  It is a perfect way to use up those scraps! 

Just ONE month left to get your FREE Sale-a-Bration items, so don't delay, place an order (with me please) today!

Thank you for looking in today - Happy Thursday!

~ Donna


  1. good morning just love those chicks

    1. Good Morning Marie! I love them too. I'm going to miss them when Sale-a-Bration is over, so using as much as I can! :)

  2. I had to laugh about the thought of some masked chickens! I used to have a cartoon on my desk that was a goose wearing a pair of Groucho glasses with the eyebrows and mustache. It was so funny but I lost it in a move. I love how you have Phyllis popped up there in the midst of them all. Love the colors. I like the knotted treatment to the ribbon - that is really fun and different! Fun and great job!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I think I've seen that goose somewhere. Very funny! The knotted ribbon is an old trick of mine for when I can't get a bow or a proper knot to work. I just say pooh with it and tie a knot and wrap it around the card. LOL


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