Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Retreat Pillow Gifts

This past weekend our weSTAMP Team had a wonderful 3 day retreat in the cool mountains of Flagstaff, Arizona.  It was so nice spending the weekend with crafty, fun women!

Each day we had little surprises provided by our Fearless Leader, Lorri Heiling.  Here are our first night pillow gifts that were waiting for us when we headed to bed.

Just in case we had snoring roommates, ear plugs!  

The theme was summer fun, so of course we had a bag of treats with a summer theme as well.  Sharks, Goldfish and Ocean (m&m's of course)!

Well, fun day today (NOT) I'm off to the dentist to get a crown replaced.  Good thing I have a dentist that I love and am comfortable with.  Though, strangely, he's actually 8 months younger than my youngest son!!!  Yikes!  lol

Happy Tuesday!

~ Donna


  1. These are great! Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the tooth, I need to go to the dentist it has been awhile.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thanks Chris. The tooth didn't bother me, but he thought it looked like it was needing care, better to do it now before an infection set in.


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