Sunday, March 19, 2017

So in Love

Here is another card we made at weRETREAT last weekend.  This is so simple and can be done with any color choices you may like.

Simply stamp the flowers and leaves from the So in Love set from the 2017 Occasions Catalog with Versamark and then sprinkle Whisper White Embossing powder over all and then heat with the heat gun.

After it has cooled, use your sponge daubers and favorite in colors to color the flowers and over the leaves.  Remember to "stamp off" the dauber before actually placing it to the paper.  This gives your sponging a much softer look without adding too much ink at the first touch.


Pear Pizzazz - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Sweet Sugarplum - 5 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White - 5" x 3 3/4"

Simple and beautiful at the same time!

Thank you for looking in today~  Have a Blessed Sunday.

~ Donna

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  1. I did this once in a class and it was fun and really cool looking. Thanks for reminding me about this. Thanks for the tip about the daubers - I am usually ready to dive in with the color I don't try it on a scrap first and then I have a too dark blob sometimes. How many projects to you make at your retreat?

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I did a quick count of the pictures I took of what I made and I see 18 things. There were 17 Shoebox Swaps, but Lorri, our upline had more than one for us to make since she gave us each a pack of the Tasty Treats DSP and Washi Tape. So each of hers, I think she had 5 were made from that paper.

      Yes, always remember to "blot" off so you don't have a "blob" from your "Daub"... lol


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