Monday, March 6, 2017

Tasty Truck Full Makeover

I've been waiting to have time to play with this one and I finally put it together!

When I first saw the Tasty Truck in this year's Sale-a-Bration book, I immediately thought of another truck that we all wait anxiously for after placing a Stampin' Up order.

But... brace yourself, I put the truck "under the knife" and cut out the "food window".  I know, I know, it's a horrible thing to do, but if done carefully, you can still stamp with the window by putting it back inside the truck once it's on your clear block or simply stamping it separately since it is Photopolymer and completely see through.

Sahara Sand - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4
Soft Suede - 5 1/4" x 4
Festive Birthday Designer Series Paper - 5" x 3 3/4"

I stamped the truck on Daffodil Delight and of Soft Suede then cut out the truck and the stripe with my Paper Snips.

The Stampin' Up! boxes and the logo were found online and I simply printed them on copy paper, cut them out and added them to the truck.

Obviously, this Demonstrator the UPS truck is delivering to had an extra BIG order!

Since I didn't want to distract from the truck, I stamped the sentiment inside.  This one is from the Occasions Catalog - Love Sparkles.

I couldn't resist stamping the truck again inside and coloring it with our Watercolor Pencils.  Don't miss out on these, they sell very fast and have sold out once already!

Click any of the items below to shop my store.

Thank you for looking in today!  Make it a GREAT Week!

~ Donna

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  1. Oh Donna, you tickled my fancy as they used to say! Our UPS driver has had a work out on our block the last 6 months. He even gave chase on foot when Ted got so excited to see him and his leash slipped out of my hand. Who said bassets can't run? It took a woman who stopped traffic and some college students also to help catch him! That was at the point I decided to go to the orthopedist for my feet! I am sure our usual driver would smile at this fun card. I had to think a second on what you cut out, the stamp, of course. The burlap ribbon makes a good street. Our street is part of the historical district and it is done in brick - I wonder if the brick embossing folder would work? I would have to borrow my local demo's stamp set since I don't have this but then I couldn't cut it out. I guess I could mask it out. Of course then my mailman would have to have one too. Then, if the Fed Ex guy got wind of the cards, he would want one too. He always honks and says hi to Ted when we are out walking. Now, the question is, am I that ambitious to make these great cards? I love how you did the inside too. Maybe I could just borrow her stamp set and stamp several of them masking off the window so I can play.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thanks Chris! Glad I made your day! Ha ha, I can just see the whole town chasing after Ted. Bassets can be speedy when they need to be!

      You definitely wouldn't want to cut up your Demo's stamp, but from how it sounds, you have a LOT of cards to make so you should just earn your own free stamp so you can use it for years to come! LOL

      I'm not sure how easy that will be to mask. I pondered that as well and that's why I pulled out the Exacto Knife!

      I want to see what you come up with, for sure!

  2. really like this one how did you get the stampin'up! boxes..

  3. Thanks Marie. I just googled "stampin' up mailing boxes" and found some to work with. Then fussy cut them out.

  4. This is really cute! I love thinking outside the box.

    1. Thank you Karen! This is really outside the box with the overflow of boxes outside the truck! LOL

      Please come back again!

  5. DONNA THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so talented. Bring it this weekend so we can see it in person!

  6. please make a video on they way you made other cards using tasty truck stamp . how to cut and still be able to use the email is

  7. I just discovered you tonight, I'm so glad I did! You gave me a big belly laugh about your dog, but, I'm sorry it's someone else's, but, you shared! Thank counts in my book! Thank you so much for sharing, I really needed it. I love this card. I don't ever see my UPS driver. He just sets packages up by the front door and leaves. I'd also love to know how you did surgery on your stamp. Yes, I do have this stamp set. I d want to make a whole bunch of these for Christmas cards. My grandson is always complaining because I get SU! boxes. I get one a month! That's not nearly enough if you ask me! LOL! Thank you so much for sharing with us! I really loved this blog page so much I subscribed to it!

  8. Sorry, I don't use Facebook very often, because I can't hear it, and there's no Closed Captioning1


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