Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Inside the Box

My apologies for not posting this yesterday as I had planned, but time after our Team Meeting simply got away from me!  If you missed the post leading up to this one, click HERE.

When a new person joins my team, they are welcomed with a simple charm bracelet and a beginning charm.  This was started when our titles were Associate, Sr. Associate, etc. and anniversary charms from there.  (Marie, I need to make sure we have you current!)  Now, we have Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc.  Everyone starts as a Bronze and then with sales and recruits it goes up from there.

Marie made SILVER! So to her charm collection she earns a Silver Star with a jewel.  I'm so proud of Marie as she's had several recruits and they are growing.

Next will be Silver Elite, we're both working towards that goal! 

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

~ Donna


  1. Very pretty charm, where do you find them at? Is it Brighton?

    1. Hi Mary! Actually, I find them all over. I believe I found this one at Michael's or Hobby Lobby. They aren't anything fancy, just a little trinket. Brighton would be fabulous! I went there in Salt Lake City in 2015 for the last "real" Convention. I could have gone crazy in there! LOL

  2. Wow, that is great for both of you! I love the little box you made with the silver on it and the blue is so rich looking.

    Chris R. from Iowa


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