Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Can You Survive

Every year when the new Annual Catalog comes out, many Demonstrators make a Survival Kit to hand out with their catalog to their customers.  Of course, I'm one of those Demonstrators and every year I try to make it a little different.  This year, Stampin' Up! has helped us out and made one available on our Demo Website so believe me, I took advantage of going the easy way this year.  Especially with still trying to get settled in at the office.

Now, I can't show everything in my kit... there has to be some surprises, right?   But here is what you can see, for now. 

Of course, the 2017-2018 Annual Catalog, a new pen filled with a piece of new Designer Series Paper, a bandaid (for those paper cuts from flipping through the the pages), Chocolate (everything is better with Chocolate!) and a tea bag (for when it's time to sit back and relax and write that wish list).

I love these big bags we have at Stampin' Up with the Logo on the front.  It perfectly holds the catalog, some surprises and my Survival Kit.  It's also great for keeping the catalog in, just to keep it safe and protected. 

Are you on my mailing list for a new catalog?  If not, email me soon so I can get yours ready and into the mail.  Email me at StampsWellWithOthers@gmail.com with your name and address.  IF you already have a Demonstrator, please contact them for your catalog.  

Happy Tuesday.... 

and Happy Birthday Daddy!  I miss you so much.  He would have been 93 today. 

~ Donna


  1. How fun! A great little kit! Darn, I wish we lived closer.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I love making these kits. I'm still waiting on a couple other things to be finished and then I can mail them out. You might receive a surprise.


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