Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nail It for Father's Day

Before I start today's post, I'd like to ask for some Kitty Prayers for this silly Suzi of mine!  She's 11 years old and her kidney test numbers are very high.  She needs to drink more fluids and eat less protein.  Preferably the "kidney diet" that the Vet has.  She ate it well at first, but now refuses.  We've bought a bubbly water fountain - which she's starting to use and we can get her to drink and eat Tuna water - we'll be eating a lot of tuna this week... lol ... and she's getting fluid at the vet 3 times a week.

Please pray that she will eat and drink what she needs to get her numbers back in control.  She was a Mother's Day / Birthday gift from my youngest son 11 years ago this week.  I'm sick with worry, which is why I haven't been very consistent on posting.  I'm sorry about that, but my mojo just wasn't working.

This is Suzi Snicklefritz Kish.  Her name is bigger than she is.  LOL

Now, on to today's card!

Yes, I know, Mother's Day comes next, but I had this in my head and I wanted to color, so this is today's card.  Father's Day!  Plus I just love this set and when it goes into retirement, I won't be using it - at least not to post on here.

Dapper Denim - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Watercolor Paper - 5 1/2" x 3 3/4"
Watercolor Pencils
StazOn Black Ink
Dapper Denim 3/8" Ruched Ribbon

Inside I added this sentiment.  It seems the perfect way to tell Dad thank you for raising you right!

Thank you for looking in today.

~ Donna


  1. Thoughts, prayers and well wishes coming your way and for Suzi. This is the third cat I have heard that is having kidney problems in the past month. The other two are doing better and they were both 11 years old though one will be 12 in a few weeks.

    Your card is fun. I wished I had purchased the bundle earlier as well as the paper pack. But, no I kept putting it off so I didn't get the paper or the framelits but am still considering the stamp set. I have another brand of tools that I need to look at to make sure they aren't that similar. I do have a back of the embelishments though! My dad would have loved a card made with this set. I just realized his birthday would have been on Mother's Day this year.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Your Dad and mine are close on birthdays. My Dad would have been 93 this year and his birthday is May 9th which sometimes hits mother's day. When I was married to my first husband, also born May 9th and it was Mother's Day, we all had to go out to dinner because no one was able to cook on their special day. Mom, Dad, Me and Will. LOL

      Suzi just doesn't act sick, which I'm grateful for, but she's such a finicky eater and we're pulling our hair out trying to get her to eat what she should. So I give up - I'd rather she eat SOMETHING than nothing. We're having good success with Tuna "juice" from the can. I mix it with her Kidney Diet and we are hopeful.

      Don't wait too long on the stamp set. They are still producing them until May 22nd (I think) then after that, it is just as long as they last.

      Thank you for the Suzi prayers. And if I may, I'd like to add prayers for my Ex, Will, he called to tell me he has cancer. I'm devastated. We're still good friends and my heart hurts. Thanks!

  2. Oh. of course....cancer is always tough. I hope they caught it early with a good prognosis.

    My dad would have been 98.

    Would Suzi drink chicken broth separately or with some poached chicken or even chicken out of a can? Our first dog would "drink" canned chicken soup. It was salty and found she would drink more and then a little water too. She would leave the noodles until last and then eat most of them too probably because we would eat them too. Maybe some of your co-workers and friends could save some tuna juice for you!


    1. She drank the chicken juice from canned chicken for a bit, then changed to tuna. I swear, most of the stuff in the fridge is Suzi food attempts! LOL

      I never thought of chicken noodle soup! That's a great idea. I'll have to try that - off to the grocery store again!

      She loves chicken, but we're really trying to get her to eat less protein and more of the kidney diet because the high protein is what causes the creatinine and BUN numbers to go up. I've been able to get her to eat more of the kidney diet when I get home by really smooshing it into the tuna juice and adding little flakes of tuna, then warming it in the micro. The heat brings out the flavors better.


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